Feb 18, 2009

Sharing Poops... (Gross but too funny not to post)

Laure and Isa met Maison and I at the mall tonight so the girls could burn off some energy. Typical for Maison, she needed to hit the restroom right in the middle of dinner and of course, one can't go without the other, so I head off to the bathroom with both girls.

Typically, they favor the large handicap stall so we can all go in together but Maison announced she needed privacy which only means one thing... The head to their individual stalls, right next to each other and I'm waiting outside, holding the doors shut... privacy of course.

Both girls start grunting... Maison, hearing Isa, asks if she is pooping and the conversation goes like this...

Isa: Yes, I'm pooping. You?
Maison: Me too. Are you doing a bunch of little poops or one big one?
Isa: One really big one, you?
Maison: I got a big one, but I think I have a bunch of little ones too.
Isa: Can I see it?

And that's when I had to step in and change the conversation... "Do you girls want to ride the carousel or the train when we are done eating?!?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - I laughed all day about that!