Feb 22, 2011


She's becoming quite the gymnast... Her biggest focus has been on her back walk over. It's hit or miss, depending on the day, but when she does it, she nails it.

Feb 19, 2011

Hey, let's go bowling...

Maison couldn't believe that the Bowlmor looked exactly like this when I was her age. She also struggled with the lack of a handicap ramp, lack of bumpers and no score keeping panels.

Check out the videos to see her approach!!

Feb 18, 2011

Next Stop... Olympic Gold

Once she realized how hard it was to stand on the skates in the lobby, she was okay with using the skate-aid. She did great. Within an hour, she was ditching the skate-aid and making it on her own. She did amazing.

The Wee Three

This was the first time we've gotten all three grand-daughters together...

(flash forward 10 years... )

Feb 17, 2011

New Cousin!

Maison was so excited to meet her new cousin, Maddie!