Jun 10, 2010

Pre-K Graduation

Today, Maison graduated from Primrose. She has been at Primrose since she was almost 6 months old and she was the very first student enrolled at Primrose when they opened in July 2005 (I was so desperate for a daycare spot, that I tracked down the owners at home and forced them to accept a check that would secure me a spot in a school that wasn't even completed yet!). I can't believe how much she has grown...

Click here to see more...

Jun 8, 2010

Everest Gymnastics - Spring 2010

Maison and Lindsey finished up another session of gymnastics. This session, Maison has been focused on her splits, handstands, back bends and flipping herself up onto the parallel bars. She did fabulous and is moving up to Level 1 Advanced in the fall. Way to go Bug!

Jun 1, 2010

Cute Little Visitor

Our neighbors rescued an adorable kitten the day before they were heading out of town on vacation. Maison couldn't pass up the opportunity to kittensit. When she first arrived, the kitten refused to let anyone get near her, but the end of her visit she and Maison were the best of friends.