Oct 31, 2009

My Little Stinker

Maison started out the Halloween season wanting to be a princess just like every other 4 year old girl. To minimize the number of princess outfits in the house, I recommended she be something "really scary" this year. She pondered it for awhile, tapping her chin as she thought. The light bulb came on and she announced she was going to be a skunk.

Though most folks wouldn't consider this skunk outfit very scary, for Maison it was a huge act of courage. You see, Maison is terrified of skunks. Recently, we had to remove all the books from the house that had a picture of a skunk and we have a sign on her door that says "No Skunks Allowed". To her, there is nothing scarier than a skunk.

One thing I learned this year, is don't promise your child they can be a skunk until you have a skunk costume in hand. After several trips around town, several sold out signs online and 18 lost bids on Ebay, I finally found one. It was worth it, she looked absolutely adorable.

We spent Halloween in TN with Saylor's family. Maison had a great time stinking up the neighborhood and all her friends. Though she was a little disappointed that everyone kept saying she was cute instead of scary.

Click here to see her Costume parade at Primrose and the rest of the pictures from Halloween night. http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8QcuGbNy4bs--&emid=sharshar&linkid=link5&cid=EMsharshar

Oct 18, 2009

Pick a Pumpkin

We love our annual trip to Carrigan Farms to pick out pumpkins.

Maison was very picky and it took alot of searching to find the perfect pumpkin. In the end, she found it back at the farmhouse in a box under the tree...
Check out the rest of the pictures...

Oct 16, 2009


Maison loves everything about Lazy5, except the fact that you can't pet/feed the Zebras. Every other animal, including very large buffalo type creatures, are fair game. It took everything she had not to reach out and give them hugs, especially considering how close they came to her (Maybe do, in part, to the fact she was sneaking them food under the seat!) The new baby zebra, four months old, was just about enough excitement to put the poor child over the edge.