Apr 28, 2009

Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My

Tiger World is located just north of Charlotte. It is a tiger rescue center (with a few lions, bears, monkeys, etc) where they care for neglected tigers and tigers between zoos. They do the best they can but with their limited funding, its not the most luxurious place. It is a great place to see and learn about tigers.

Maison had a great time learning about the animals and watching Grandpa talk to the tigers. She was quite amazed when one tiger understood Grandpa and talked back!

She didn't care for the peacocks though... they were a little too friendly!

Apr 18, 2009

"Soaking Wet"

We ventured to Birkdale Village for some afternoon ice cream and ended up fully dressed, in the fountain, "soaking wet"...

Here are some more pictures of Maison, Isa and Mackenzie playing...

Apr 5, 2009

Lindsey's Birthday Party

Maison's BFF turned 4! A day with Lindsey is always fabulous but top that off with bubbles and you near perfection.

Here are the rest of the pictures...

Clarke Creek Greenway

A morning walk (and occasional dance) along the greenway...

Apr 2, 2009

Big Spend

Maison loves to stockpile her money. She had over $40 saved up from chores, birthdays, chirstmas, etc (and that doesn't count the jars of change she has in her playroom!). Whenever she finds something in the store, she always decides to save her money instead... until today. While having dinner at the mall, she spotted this super sized Bolt toy from across the way. She had to have it. I told her that it would take almost all of her money but she didn't care, it was well worth it. Needless to say, she tries to carry this larger than life sized Bolt everywhere. Watch out Pinkie, you have competition!